Uuuh another epic song :3
The beginning is perfect. Like it should be. Epic.
Always keep in mind that epicness comes from perfection.
The drums are in this one better. The last note in the part from 1:00 to 1:30 may be better in moll. Try it, it may sound better. Or at least, it sounded to me like dur.
The rest of the song sounded like you head an intro from ManOwaR the whole time in the head and experimented with the variants you could do. At 2:50 it gets pretty nice. I feel how you get better at this stuff.
It felt like you have no idea how to build an epic song or at least the feeling but not the structure idea. I'll help you out -> http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/classical-music-the-movements-of-a-symphony.html
No, I don't think you're a dummy, but this'll help you out, getting structure in epic songs. As, in fact, almost 99% of the epic songs that exists are built after the structure of a symphony. ACTUALLY epic songs are nothing else as symphonys just in modern style with old and new instruments.
Example: Vedrim - Get Hype (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhnFUIBigv4) A hell of an epic song. If you listen closesly, you'll get what I mean. It's actually a symphony, an orchestra. But a modern one. And - it's epic ;)
This should be your goal. Give people goosebumbs with music. They should be amazed.
3.5/5 Stars
May the force be with you.