Uuuh! An epic song! I love the epic genre. Now this review may take a bit longer.
The beginning was...well it was like you just played the piano pretty randomly.
After that, the drums are WAY too early on their rows. Let the music flow and THEN you let the drums go. Imagine the drums are wild dogs. You don't let wild dogs free while kids are playing on the grass, do you?
The part before 1:00 and a bit after is for an epic song awkward. As said, don't mix the dogs with kids. Use other drums or put them out.
Your piano play after that is pretty okay, the only thing is, it doesn't come authentic enough with the brasses or horns. Couldn't hear it really. THEY ARE TOO WEAK. Imagine the horns/brasses like a giant screaming. Or a mountainhorn. Both are neither quiet, nor soft. They are LOUD. And MIGHTY. You know? The hearer should feel the POWER in an epic song.
The lighter drum is totally wrong. Put it away and use another one. It felt like the drummer was in the wrong opera. 2:30 it is totally okay when you use a drumkit in an epic song. But in an epic song with a piano, which got a pretty soft spirit....never use a drumkit then.
The end is too fast. You use a piano the whole time. So your epic song is more like an epic ballad. Ballads CAN be fast. But not in the epic genre.
So you want to make REAL epic music, don't you? Well than you have many things to learn.
I give you a good example for an epic song with a piano in it. Also, the band is a "trve metal" band, it's actually epic metal BUT the example is just normal epic. For you to learn, listen closeley. I think there's an english version out there. But here it is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy0oj1MyeUE)
Stay in the rythm. As said, the end was too fast. First you was 4/4 than you were going something else but not 4/4.
1.5/5 Stars
Heads up! Keep it going! To learn means to fall. And to learn means to get up after that :)
Though, it looks like also on normal ears your piece comes pretty good. So look it like that. You got potential. More than many others. So go on!